Tampa Child Custody Lawyer

Lizbeth PottsFamily Laws, Lizbeth Potts, P.A. Tampa Attorney Legal Articles

child custody

Tampa Child Custody Lawyer

Tampa Child Custody LawyerWhether you are going through a contested or uncontested divorce, if children are involved, you are going to fill out a Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Affidavit.  We call this form the UCCJEA form for short.  Regardless of whether you and your spouse agree on parental responsibility, time-sharing/visitation, or custody, this form is required.  The UCCJEA is filed with the petition.  The respondent is also required to file a UCCJEA with the answer.

The purpose of the UCCJEA is to avoid jurisdictional conflict and competition with courts of other states in matters of child custody.  It is used to help promote cooperation with the court of other states regarding child(ren) custody issues decided in the state that can decide the case in the best interest of the child(ren).  The UCCJEA discourages using the court system regarding child custody matters and cuts down on parental abduction.  The UCCJEA helps to enforce custody decrees from other states and avoids going back to court to try to change custody decisions from other states.  The UCCJEA also helps in obtaining information and other assistance that may be necessary between the courts of Florida and other states where a child is concerned.


The form requires you to list the names, place of birth, date of birth and the sex of each of your children.  You must list the child’s present address and places where they have lived for the last five (5) years.  You need to include the name of who they live(d) with and the present address of those individuals.

If you are involved in a domestic violence situation and are filing a petition to obtain an injunction, you probably do not want your present address published.  In the address space, you should write “Confidential”.  You must also file a Request for Confidential Filing of Address, so that your current address does not have to be divulged.

The UCCJEA requires that you explain whether you have participated in any type of custody of time-sharing proceedings.  If you have participated in or have any information about such proceedings, regardless of whether the proceedings were in Florida or another state, you must explain the type of proceeding it was, where the proceeding was held, the name of the child(ren) involved, and the outcome of the proceeding.  You will also have to provide information about any persons you know that are not a part of the present matter, but have physical custody of the child(ren), claims to custodial rights of the child(ren), or claims to time-sharing.

Whether you are involved in an uncontested divorce or other family law matter where children are involved, you will be required to fill out a UCCJEA affidavit.For assistance with filling this very important form out and other information