WILL FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- It transfers property owned by the testator (the person who wrote the will) to those he/she wanted it to go to, it directs survivors how to handle your remains, plainly, it is the document that calltols your survivors how you want your belongings to be divided amongst your beneficiaries.
- You are able to choose the Personal Representative of you will, who will manage your estate while it is being administered or probated. You can designate how your real property should be dealt with, that is, put up for sale or kept in the family without any court proceedings.
- It allows you to create a trust so that money will be set aside for benefit of others. It allows you make gifts to certain people. You can name a guardian for your minor children or special needs child(ren). You can decide who will bear the tax burden.
Your property will pass in order of inheritance to your heirs as stated in the Florida Statutes. This may not be how you want your property distributed, therefore, having a will drawn up stating what you want would be in your best interest.
- A beneficiary is someone you have chosen to receive something from you.
- An heir is someone you are usually related to by blood. Heirs can be descendants or ascendants. A descendant is someone who is most likely your offspring, or the legal term, issue. An ascendant is someone who is related to you, such as your parents, aunt or uncle, great grandparents.
Yes, you can, but you must state specifically who the person is and that you are not leaving them anything.
It is a written statement about how you want medical decisions to be made if you are unable to make them and/or it can express your desire to make an anatomical gift.